Hujan adalah rahmat tuhan keatas alam.aku suka hujan.kalau hujan aku rasa selesa walaupun adakalanya rasa sedikit melankolik dalam melayan emosi.2-3 hari ni perkhidmatan “jalur lebar” amat lah tidak memuaskan.ym dan skype sering sahaja “dc”.kalau aku complaint skali pon aku rasa those bloody tmnut staff wont do anything to please their customer satisfaction.aku sebenarnya sudah bosan dgn keadaan camni.our gov always claim we got first class infrastructure and third world mentality user.selagi takda other broadband provider across the country,aku rasa the situation will remain the same.we consumer need more choice and option.sudahlah line slow,bagi heavy downloader mcm aku rasa frustrated.semalam masa buat bandwidth test aku hanya dapat dalam around 200-300 kpbs out of my 1 mpbs package.
Ok.recently i watched quite a number of movie.for instance,Epic movie which is total crap.not funny at all.
I like this one with Nicolas cage on it
-yahoo movies-
Cris Johnson's Powers and Abilities
Throughout the movie, Cris is credited with possessing powers of precognition, the ability to foresee the future, though he can only see two minutes into the future, and only his own future. He has to be potentially affected by someone else's actions in order to see them. However, because of the connection he has with Liz Cooper (Biel), he has been able to see up to a week into her future. Occasionally during the movie, a dramatic and sudden event will occur, usually resulting in the apparent death of Cris, only for the camera to pan to the side and show the audience that it was, in fact, one of Cris' advanced visions. In fact, the last 30 minutes of the film until the nuclear bomb detonates prove to be only one of Cris' visions.
As a result of his powers, Cris can play out in his mind all the possible ways an event can happen. He uses this ability first when he speaks with Liz for the first time, approaching her several times in different ways until he discovers the most effective way of approaching her.
Later in the movie, he is able to search multiple decks on a ship at the same time. He does this by running every possible scenario in his mind. Each route he could take through the ship is foreseen, including the consequences of each one. This allows him to search the entire ship in an instant, and know the correct route to take through it. The movie depicts this by showing him splitting off into multiple 'versions' of himself, with each version representing a different route during the same two minutes.
His power also makes it virtually impossible to kill him in any combat scenerio due to his ability to know his opponents movements before they're even conceived. He uses this ability a few times in the movie, allowing him to dodge two sniper bullets, defeat a group of marines in hand to hand combat, avoid multiple punches from Liz's ex-boyfriend, and even walk directly at a handgun-wielding terrorist while appearing to dodge his bullets. In actuality, he knew the path of each bullet as he could tell where he would have to be for it to kill him; his way out of this was to make sure he wasn't in these points as the bullet passed through it.
source bywikipedia