Thursday, May 28, 2009

entry jiwang - lol

saya suka kat awak.awak comel bila awak senyum :)

awak suka silverchairkan ? saya dedicate lagu ni utk awak

without you

Miles Away
There's hopeless smiles brighter than mine
And I need for you to come and go
Without the truth falling out.

Old incisions refusing to stay
Like the sun through the trees on a cloudy day

You brighten my life like a polystyrene hat
But it melts in the sun like a life without love
And I've waited for you so I'll keep holding on
Without You(2X)

Socially scared and impaired
If the trees will bloom the wind can blow
Without the fruit falling out

Old incisions refusing to stay
Like the sun through the trees on a cloudy day

You brighten my life like a polystyrene hat
But it melts in the sun like a life without love
And I've waited for you so I'll keep holding on
Without You(2X)

Feels like the wind blows
Holding you with us
She takes no other
False light and ashes
Blooming like winter

You brighten my life like a polystyrene hat
But it melts in the sun like a life without love
And I've waited for you so I'll keep holding on
Without You(3x)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Feeling is everything

Apa yg patut didahulukan? Perasaan ? Logik ? cakap orang ?

Tough call ya

everybody has to make choice. tapi apa choice yg terbaik utk kita

sometimes i wonder how to make a perfect decision. every single corner has been evaluated and yet i can't made my mind

and off course keputusan yg melibat hala tuju kehidupan dan bukannya simple choice how to decide between coke and pepsi - LOL-

just go with feeling itself ok kot

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good times come and goes

aku agak depress.tertekan


Terlalu banyak masalah dan cabaran.kadang-kadang aku rasa “is it the right path I walk”
Aku teringat akan post seorang rakan sekolah yg masih aku keep in touch. Dia pernah kata kat aku. “zaman sekolah dulu rules”

Sekolah sangatlah menarik dan cantek walaupun semuanya lelaki tapi kehidupan colorful waktu itu. Ramai yang masih lagi mentah dan masih lah bergelut dengan hormon yang masih lagi buta. Dadah, sex (sama dan berlainan), accident, gadoh (antara sekolah/kaum/sama kaum/kawan baik/cikgu), motor, awek, kakak tiri.
Penah satu waktu tue, kita semua tenang.. balik sekolah lepak medan kidd tengok manusia lalu lalang, manusia yang berjalan laju-laju-takut-kena-seluk-rompak-rogol(?). kita tengok dan tengok je sampai ke petang. shiz aku rindu zaman sekolah. Zaman semua orang berbaju puteh tanpa perlu rasa beza. Semua orang masih duduk dan gelak dan tiru kerja sekolah. Tak perlu pikir esok atau lusa, yang penting waktu kini. persetankan masa depan dan waktu tua.

End quote

Kalau kat kampung dulu time2 aku depress mesti aku pergi carik kawan2 aku. Husin,amir,jack,an,iju,manot,abe,abu,zury.Lepak rumah jack sambil layan folk rock,kacau awek2 kilang baru balik kerja,layan dvd dan lepak dan lepak sampai subuh.


Zaman tu mgm indah.gembira walau tak berduit,tak guna gadget canggih tak pakai branded(bunde all the way),tak lepak kat kafe-kafe yg hip dan cool

Aku teringat kata seorang teman kampung yg berada di kuantan

“kita kena hadapi masa depan kita dgn penuh keyakinan walaupun kita tak pasti apa yg menanti kita” - (iju)

“azim,hang boleh.aku percaya kat hang” kata seorang teman yg kini menjadi pegawai kastam di pulau mutiara

“kita tak boleh berada dalam comfort zone forever man” (zury)

"early adulthood is gotta endure it" (Doctor in Sri Iskandar)

Should I give up? Sometimes I grew tired .letih dan sangat letih.hidup sendirian ini mgm babi.tapi aku tahu I can’t give up Yet. Aku kena go all out.i need to improvise my self. Terlalu banyak kelemahan.kena “tweak” sikit

I need to change.although i know i can't change overnight.i'll try somehow.the old me is fragile and vulnerable.

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. ~Anatole France

Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine. ~ Robert C. Gallagher

When you are through changing, you are through. ~Bruce Barton

# 1


too personal



Thursday, May 14, 2009

Run Fatboy!!

I’ll hope by this morning onwards I’m gonna start running. i am getting heavier nowadays.and older too.Malaysia is food heaven and for people whom their nature of work is staying put in place without moving much. Obesity going to be your best buddy!!!

No more late night snacks. No more hang out at mamak( The Ais + Roti Banjir Rules)

Gotta start exercise.i even got man boobs!!

Fuck that shit!!! I gonna get rid of it

Wish me luck

P/S : Kepada rakan2 ajak aku bersukan bersama kalian

Friday, May 08, 2009


tiada apa yg saya ingin katakan. saya ingin tujukan lagu ini pada seseorang