Wednesday, November 24, 2004


ermmm apa aku nak cita arrr. lama gak tak updata jurnal aku yg satu ni. sejak akhir2 ni aku mengalami kekeringan idea dalam semua kerja-kerja aku. aku pon tak tau pasal apa.

raya?? camner dhn raya korang tahun ni. tahun ni raya kat umah mak long aku kat manjung.buhsan gak sebab sedara-mara semua dah besar. kalau yg muda tu muda sangat.buhsan sangat2 time tu. rasa nak balik ipoh jaa raya umah member2.ader gak terlintas nak raya umah kawan pompuan aku yg sorang ni. tapi segan plak pi sorang2. dia pon ada call soh aku mai umah dia. ermm ntah laaa

kelapa aku terasa berat menatap screen J creator. coding masih byk erorr. malas plak nak rectify erorr. sambil-sambil tu layan lagu ni. penuh emosi sekali

Ten / clarity
Jimmy eat world

We left behind the busy crowd.
So it seems we slow down.
Meet me with a way out through the lies.
Nowhere, going nowhere in the fake yellow light.
The feelings change so fast.
Safety scares them away.
I can't bring myself to say it's my own advice I need.
Nowhere and then nowhere.
Living trapped inside the chase.
Our weekness is the same.
We need poison sometimes.
So take another drink with me.
Blame no one.
Look in my eyes and blame no one

gotta go

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