Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cool Panda

Damn this sore throat!! makes me feel so not comfy.Sigh~. I guess this is the last time aku makan sate pagi2 buta.ok my life is pretty much the same. Nothing awesome thing happen though.hehe.talking about awesomeness last week I managed to watch kungfu panda. Although the main idea that day is to watch the last indiana jones sequel and due to inconvenient showing time, me and my buddy settled down with kung fu

I set my foot on the theather I saw a lot kids and heard quite a for me who doesn't get the chance to catch a sneak preview and teaser or at least read review about this film it make me feel a bit uneasy. Ye lah paying 10 bucks tapi tak tau cite tu awesome ke idak kan? With jack black as the main cast I finally decided WTF jack black kan so layan je lah.

I really loves jack black of course in a non gay way.i loves his film and his style and his music too. So far I have watch orange county,school of rock(hell yeah),nancho libre,king kong,tenacious D and some muvee with smaller role like enemy of the state and cable guy.

So this movie turn out to be one hell of comedy + action be honest I really enjoy it and the spectator love it too.this movie is all about a sleazy panda who dream to become a kungfu master and how he overcome the problem and became the dragon warrior. I dare to say this the best animated movie I had watched so far. Hope there will be a sequel or something in near future


Aku A-Z-Z-U said...

my sister who had watched this movie said she laughed so hard til she cried. and that coming from someone who hates cartoon movie! as for me i haven't watch it yet. and me love jack black too. setiap kali plak nak tgk, mesti ter-switch ke movie lain, huhu.

azim and his melancholic dream said...

layan ja.really worth it. fact is i watched it twice :P