Monday, December 29, 2008
End Year Post
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Sepetang Di Teluk Batik
Monday, December 01, 2008
exam and enter the sleezy mode
recently watched movie within 7 days

1 Lonesome Jim
2 Closer
3 Step Brother
4 Big Stan
5 James Bond Quantum of Solace
6 Tropic thunder
and complete season 1 of CSI Miami
Lonesome Jim is ok and lil bit depressing, baby face casey affleck did a good job portarying 27 years old depress loser ass who came back to his parent house after he ran out of cash.then he found out his family are having lots of problem such as crack selling uncle,loser elder brother and mom going to jail

closer is ok.i had watched the movie before hand.step brother are fuckin hillarious so do big stan by rob schenider

James bond latest flick is not as good as the previous one,tropic thunder are awesome and so do CSI first season
Sunday, November 02, 2008
i screwed !!!!
Saya baru sahaja pulang ke rumah di
Saya lihat kebanykan teman sekursus dgn saya “berdansa” dgn pena mata mereka diatas kertas jawapan manakala saya asyik melirik pada gadis manis disebelah meja saya juga turut khusyuk menjawab soalan.tidak sampai setengah jam saya sudah keluar dari dewan terus menuju di kantin. kemudian 2 org teman saya muncul
Saya hanya tersenyum.saya tidak pasti adakah ianya satu pujian atau pun kata-kata sarcastic.apabila saya mula menyusuri keluar hujan mula turun mencurah2.saya yg menunggang motosikal modenas kriss 110 pada waktu itu habis basah ditimpah hujan rahmat.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Everybody having fever eh?

pada minggu lepas saya sempat menonton filem lakonan Mark Walberg, Max Payne!! Pada awalnya saya dan rakan2 saya ingin menonton filem aksi komedi dari ben stiller,jack black dan Robert downey JR iaitu filem tropic thunder

tapi memandangkan filem itu masih blom ditayangkan kami settled down ngan max payne.secara jujur saya tidak dapat menumpukan perhatian kepada filem tersebut kerana keadaan panggung yg terlalu sejuk(mid night beb,orang pon tak ramai) dan aksi sekumpulan remaja cina(NO RACIAL MARK INTENDED) yg membuat bising dan gelak ketawa pada scene2 yg saya rasa tak lawak.gila apa gelak all the fuckin time dalam wayang!!!!!!!!
Jalan cerita yg slow pada hemat saya. Cinematography yg mantap.kesan visual yg hebat jugak lah.not bad though.kemungkinan besar akan ada sequel.mark as Detective Max Payne nampak cukup bad ass tapi tak bad ass mcm dalam shooter
rating 3 out 5
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
saya kini berada di bandar depressi.kembali berkerja selepas hari raya ke 3.syawal kali ini biasa jaa seperti tahun2 sudah.sudahlah tukang jahit tidak sempat menyiapakan baju melayu last2 sarung baju melayu tahun lepas jaa.baju tu pon masih elok dan lawa 1 guess no no big deal.oh yaa sempana 1 syawal yg lalu saya kini sudah officially berusia 23.nothing fancy though except saya kini berasa "tua" dan the best part dapat extra duit raya dari saudara mara.birthday lah kan kena la kasi extra.kan best kalau tiap2 tahun birthday saya sama dengan hari raya.hehe.Terima Kasih kepada teman yg wish birthday dan juga teman2 lain yg send sms,msg via sosial networking site dan juga via phone call.terima kasih.
saya jugak sempat menonton cerita terbaru dari shia labeuf.the eagle eye.pretty bad ass jugak cerita ini.
btw Selamat Hari Raya.maaf sekiranya entry2 saya pernah menyinggung perasaan anda
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Entry pada subuh hari
saya bebas utk "express" my genuine self bersama these un-cool dudes dan the best part mereka ini juga faham dgn perangai saya and act accordingly.
kepada teman2 sekampun lekas2 lah pulang utk melepak
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
You Dont mess with zohan
Last week I managed to watch adam sandler latest flick as Israeli top soldier who fake his own death in order to become hair stylist.overall the muvee was ok. It was not the typical adam sandler muvee that I had watch before. too much cartoon scene kills the movie.ok here the synopsis of the movie.Adam sandler as zohan is bad ass Israeli commando whose on vocation has been called for special ops to kill phantom the so-called Palestine terrorist. What happens there zohan fakes his death and went for America in order to pursuit his long time dream as hair stylist. once he reach there zohan or his new name scarpy coco struggle to find job and eventually work at a Palestinian woman saloon and fall in love with her.this movie is set in a town where American Palestinian and Jew people run their business on the same block and accusing each other every time a problem popping up.

stop attacking and killing Palestinian People.why don't you just back off.screw you and your heroic act!!!
Other Recently watched Movie
21 – MIT kids trying to beat the Las vegas system and get beaten by old school vegas thugs
The Dark Knight – Joker is a bad ass
wherever i go
The album leaf were playing on my stereo. the melodic yet catchy sounds blew me away.
i just went back from little walk around my area. though it was late. The raining and the cold weather made me walk pleasurable. to be honest I never feel this good in a long time. Watching the rains falls under the starry!!!! that is so refreshing.i guess i’ve been sitting in front of computer long enough.working with machine do sucks.i wish I could go to some beach. I’ve always dream that I sat down at the beach enjoying the beautiful view of sunset, gazing the star on night and listening the wave sound. that would be heavenly!!! Escaping the hectic real world, demanding job, personal problem, fake people and assholes
The Album Leaf - Wherever i go
Whereever I go, I take you with me,
‘Cause I don’t want to see you leave.
Whenever I go, you stay with me,
They won’t see you leave.
Are you here with me?
I want you here with me
Whenever I turn, you are gone from me.
And I won’t see you leave.
Whereever I go, your shadow follows me
I don’t want to see you leave.
Are you here with me?
I want you here with me.
You are here with me.
And I am here with you.
You are here with me.
And I am here with you
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
long time no post
It’s been a while since I last post something on my gloomy looking blog. I’ve been busy with my job in real world hence not much time to be spend over the net. Although I still got tons of things I guess I neesdto write something. Somehow I manage to get away the hectic life last weekend’s and went to penang island. nothing much can be done there except some shopping and enjoying some local delight eg nasi kandar and char koay teow. I was quite disappointed that day for not able to do DVD shopping due to the limited time.
view from ferry
Penang Street
Masjid Kapitan Kelling
Penang Street
Inside Masjid Kapitan Kelling
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Windows Server 2008 as Workstation
i just installed windows server 2008 a few day ago to test and to see what are the new improvement and feature on it.however after reading a topic from lowyat forum about how to transform your windows server 2008 enterprise edition to a very powerfull workstation with all the server need capabilities, i decide to give a try :) i'm using the 64 bit version on my AMD Sempron 3200++ and running with pretty smothly with 1.5 GB ram.
On top of that you can even play bad ass games such as Call for Duty 4,NFS Pro street and the graphic rendered with directX 10 is totally awesome.
here is my screenshot

click for larger image

click for larger image

currently i'm using to test the active directory function and setup a domain for my lab.if you ask me still lookin almost the same as windows server 2003.still got 52 day for trial though :) out of 60 day. but i read somewhere that you can have 240 day max
for more info on transforming into workstation visit
For ISO image go to microsoft website and search there
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Cool Panda
Damn this sore throat!! makes me feel so not comfy.Sigh~. I guess this is the last time aku makan sate pagi2 buta.ok my life is pretty much the same. Nothing awesome thing happen though.hehe.talking about awesomeness last week I managed to watch kungfu panda. Although the main idea that day is to watch the last indiana jones sequel and due to inconvenient showing time, me and my buddy settled down with kung fu
I set my foot on the theather I saw a lot kids and heard quite a for me who doesn't get the chance to catch a sneak preview and teaser or at least read review about this film it make me feel a bit uneasy. Ye lah paying 10 bucks tapi tak tau cite tu awesome ke idak kan? With jack black as the main cast I finally decided WTF jack black kan so layan je lah.
I really loves jack black of course in a non gay way.i loves his film and his style and his music too. So far I have watch orange county,school of rock(hell yeah),nancho libre,king kong,tenacious D and some muvee with smaller role like enemy of the state and cable guy.
So this movie turn out to be one hell of comedy + action be honest I really enjoy it and the spectator love it too.this movie is all about a sleazy panda who dream to become a kungfu master and how he overcome the problem and became the dragon warrior. I dare to say this the best animated movie I had watched so far. Hope there will be a sequel or something in near future
Friday, June 06, 2008
things which happen recently
Monday, June 02, 2008
smash yer head on emo rock
As usual I am starring at monitor doing nothing that has do with intellectual thingy.just browsing neogaf forum and read some article about xbox 360. hopesfall satellite years album is currently palying my computer speaker. Although im not really into emo music I always love band like hopesfall,Thursday and mineral.these band really rocks
For the past this week starting on Monday im not really doing anything because im kinda in holiday this is my chance to do some research for my upcoming university project and start doing some assignment.i guess I had to take my studies seriously and my last semester mark doesn't look good though. perhaps it happens because my laziness and I underestimate the program which took. I guess life couldn't been much easier for me.duh
ohh ya petrol price gonna increase by a couple of month.damn manThursday, May 08, 2008
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Chase yer own light
Saya sedang melepak di ruang tidur dibilik saya yg terletak disebuah Bandar kecil yg saya anggap “dead city”.tiada apa yg saya lakukan sambil mendengar cd band kegemaran saya, Jimmy Eat World saya kenali pada hujung tahun 2000.Album Jew(bkn jewish yaa tapi Jimmy Eat World) yg baru berjudul chase the light.bagi saya saya lebih menyukai album lama spt static prevails, Clarity and bleed American tapi saya layan saja lah.
Kehidupan semakin lama semakin komplikated bagi saya.dgn kerjaya dan spt saya sebut pada entri sebelum ini saya sibuk dgn kelas dan hamper dua minggu lagi saya akan menduduki perperiksaan.secara terus terang saya katakan,saya amat serabut ditambah dengan saya tidak mempunyai byk masa terluang utk mengulang kaji.Rakan2 pula semakin sibuk dgn kehidupan yg semakin mencabar.saya faham ini semua adat dunia dan saya harap mereka suksess dan kami sama-sama berjaya.Insya-Allah
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Rainy Monday morning
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The New Year
So this is the new year ehh?? I feel nothing.the fact is I even don’t realize the new years coming until I received text message from my hometown kids asking me whether I wanna hang out with them watching firework at Jusco shopping complex roof we went there.nothing to see if you ask me.the place is fully packed with people with their family family members gazing the dark sky hopefully to see the firworks.hehe.too bad the scene of fire exploding to the sky was quite far and you cant see properly. I was disappointed for not to be able watching upclose like the last time back in 2005 I guess.we ate some snacks,drink carbonated drinks,take some picture and move out to the infamous restaurant at green town.hang out for a couple hour before i had to take my move becouse i had to to work in the morning.on the way home,some idiotic mat rempit throw crackers on the road and almost hit my eye.fuck you mat rempit.dont you have anything better to do? why dont you go fuck your self!!! damn i'm so pissed back then
My life’s goes on.nothing much to talk about it except that this year onward I’m going to school to get my suxx.with high and long hour workloads and small hair is getting longer, I’m getting more weight.damm I look old.many kids are callig me uncle now L
Last words.for all reader(if is there any :p) happy nu-year.perhaps we all get to do things better from our last-last year.i just wanna earn more money,get a good grade,buy next gen console(xbox 360 here I come),decent LCD monitor,be a good kid to my family and a good friend to my friends and be happy.ohh i might happy if i manage to lose my weight and no more fucking depression and loneliness. just wanna be happy.
This is official every new year song from my all time favorite indie rock band,death cab for cuttie. The New Year