on the other hand i'm sitting on couch watching my dvd collection.i just finishing re-watch The Rock 1996 action packed movie starring sean cornery and Nicholas Cage.it is a good movie.a bunch of unsatisfied marine who rebels and demand USD 100 mils else launch bio-chemical weapon at the city of san Fransisco.the marine held 81 US civilian as captive in Alcatraz prison in SA or "The Rock".
since the prison has been abandon and there is no proper blue print,The US Seal team had to bring the one and only prison who managed to break out the prison with them in order to infiltrate the wall and bring down the rebels.the seal team ended up dying and the fate of the captive is in Captain Mason starring sean cornery as S.A.S elite team captured for stealing confidential micro film owns by US goverment.Along with mason, bio weapon expert,Dr Goodspeed staring Nicholas Cage as FBI agent.they somehow managed to stop the rebel marine and disengage the rocket launcher.